Q1 Performance Highlights
Time loss injuries per 100 covered workers
(all industries)
- 2024 TARGET -
The injury rate dropped to 1.37, an encouraging step in the right direction. Our efforts continue to support all workplaces in preventing all types of injury, with a focus on psychologically safe and healthy workplaces.
Lower is better.
Return to Work
Time loss days paid per 100
covered workers
(all industries)
- 2024 TARGET -
The number of days paid per 100 covered workers ended Q1 2024 at 259 days, well below the Q1 2023 number of 277, and unchanged since year-end 2023. This result is currently trending higher than our target for 2024, and we are focused on improving our processes to achieve better results for the balance of the year.
Lower is better.
Exceptional Service
First contact in
two days
(all industries)
- 2024 TARGET -
In the first three months of 2024, we continued to focus on our commitment to improve service, including making first contact with workers or employers experiencing the impacts of injury within two days. First contact is the first step in making work part of a healthy recovery from injury, wherever possible.
Higher is better.